Randy's Corner Deli Library

07 May 2008

We Now Know Who The Candidate Will Be

My faith in the American people has been answered. People who want a future for this country like me turned out in record numbers yesterday in North Carolina and Indiana. The distractions proved to be just that - distractions, which did not move that many people away from Barack Obama who people know is telling them not necessarily what they want to hear or are or used to hearing, but what they must hear: that the future of this country is more important than even they are. As soldiers fight and often die in battle for a cause bigger than themselves, so too voters in North Carolina and Indiana (supposedly the next Pennsylvania for Hillary Clinton), this observer hopes and prays that the rest of the conscious electorate will likewise realize that they and the superdelegates are voting for something bigger than themselves in the 2008 elections - their country which still, I am tearfully grateful to say, still has at least one ray of hope for the future. We are going to take our country back. And I do not mean to the past. Let us hope that Barack Obama can and will have the wind at his back and fortitude of intestine to weather the storms of status quo that will confront and buffet him as he moves forward, hopefully to the office of President. Much will depend on how the loser loses. Think of Ted Kennedy and Jimmy Carter in 1980. As a child, I lived in the Promised Land. I hope to live there again.

Randy Shiner

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