Randy's Corner Deli Library

04 March 2006

SiteAdvisor blog: The Web's Download Disasters, Inaugural Edition

Site Advisor is a startup funded by MIT -- they've gone through 1 million websites that offer downloads (for us download junkies) to see what's safe. And the answer is that, well, not many. And they can download a little item on your browser to let you know what's safe and what's not. And by the way, if you don't have a spy-sweeper of some kind, I'd strongly advise you to get one. I use Webroot's program -- I've found it to be the best one, though it's not free. However, it will save you from having to call your tech to come fix your computer, so to me, that's money in the bank. You decide, but do decide.


SiteAdvisor blog: The Web's Download Disasters, Inaugural Edition