Randy's Corner Deli Library

02 June 2008

Phil Gramm Enabling Osama's Bankers - Making US and Israel Unsafe from Terror

As McCain gets up in front of AIPAC and beats his chest in front of a lot of people who still think that Barack Obama is a Muslim terrorist or, alternatively, a member of the Weather Underground circa 1970, word comes from Washington that McCain's chief economic adviser, Dr. Phil Gramm a former longtime Senator from Texas and chairman of the Senate Finance Committee and formerly in the employ of UBS, an enormous Swiss Banking concern, made it easier for terrorists to use US Banks to deal with foriegn banks who do business with terrorists who, for example, want to kill all Americans and of course Jews. And McCain blithely diddles through his non-campaign supported by people who apparently do not care about what or whom they are or were affiliated with directly and how those decisions have affected this country for the worse. Shameless, amoral folks, they are.

Randy Shiner

Countdown: McCain’s Lobbyist Campaign Co-Chair Phil Gramm Creating More Controversy
By: Logan Murphy on Monday, June 2nd, 2008 at 7:06 PM - PDT

Last week we brought you this story about McCain campaign Co-Chair Phil Gramm and his lobbying efforts that put him on the wrong side of the ongoing mortgage foreclosure crisis. Now, it appears Gramm’s association with the aging Republican senator’s campaign is doing far more harm that previously known. UBS, a bank for which Gramm lobbied, is now under investigation for alleged use of overseas tax havens to hide assets of its wealthy clients from U.S. authorities — while in office, Gramm also supported these tax havens after 9/11, which hampered the government’s ability to track Osama bin Laden’s financial network before 9/11.

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In the #3 story on Monday’s Countdown, Keith Olbermann talks with The Nation’s Chris Hayes about the stench of lobbyists that continuously plagues John McCain’s campaign and how this and other devastating scandals completely blows his anti-lobbyist, tough-on-terror campaign theme:

Hayes: “…What this reveals is actually a really profound contradiction at the heart of the Republican coalition, the conservative coalition and McCain’s campaign, which is on the one hand, it’s home to the most sort of, chest-beating, self righteous moralists about foreign policy - we can’t talk to Ahmedenajad because he’s an anti-Semite, at the same time it’s a party who’s agenda is run by global conglomerates that pursue dollar and profit with no regard for any kind of sense of morality…”

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