Randy's Corner Deli Library

08 March 2008

Hermeneutics or, rather Words as Choice

(C) 2006 by Randy Shiner "Greenwich Village Requiem for the World"

Well, for we Jews, today marks, the start of Adar Bet, which occurs in the Hebrew calendar once in a blue moon. (bad pun - sorry; also, I should know this...) I am happy to say that this month starts off with a real rib tickler.

The Republican nominee for President, John McCain, is reported to have made the following statement about his endorsement received several weeks ago of one televangelist John Hagee, an oft-quoted bigot who openly despises Catholics. I suggest to my readers (all one of her -- you know who you are) Jew-hate isn't far behind the Catholics and blacks are probably pulling a strong second in the hatred category by this cretin.

"We've had a dignified campaign, and I repudiate any comments that are made, including Pastor Hagee's, if they are anti-Catholic or offensive to Catholics,'' McCain said."

Look at the phrasing and timing of this “repudiation” of Hagee by McCain. Notice the word “if,” which should be screaming at you about this character and McCain’s past involvement with him.

As to the timing of this alleged "repudiation", compare the length of time that McCain took to make this momentous decision. Obama’s “rejection/denunciation” of Louis Farrakhan (fine by me, by the way, considering he called Judaism a “gutter religion) took exactly one-nanosecond to denounce, then told that wasn’t good enough by Sybil, who suggested that “denounce” wasn’t good enough and that he should therefore agree to affirmatively “reject” the supposed and unrequested “endorsement” by Farrakhan. That little test took another 3 nanoseconds, the time it took him to determine if “reject” was the satisfactorily term he would use, which he (in the space of that 3 nanosecond period) thought, instintively that somehow “reject” was as good as “denounce” or better.

And this (McCain) is being lauded for his “experience”?! He doesn’t know, instinctively, what IS offensive or racist or words that could even be construed as such, are?! And we are going to trust this guy with the phone call at 3 a.m.? This guy's making decisions that affect the world? Where is the Obama camp on this? Obama should be slamming McCain (and Sybil, to the extent that she basically endorsed John McCain as better than him than he would be) as President last week, left and right with this. How much money did Hagee give to the McCain campaign directly or indirectly? He should not have been with Hagee in the first place. That is instinct. John McCain has lost a lot of credibility with this in my view. Instincts are important, as we have come sadly to learn over the past 7+ years, to know about or observe. McCain reeks of business as usual.

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